Dr. Roland Buyama Gives Parents Child Dental Care Advice

03 April 2012 Categories: Blog, Child Dental Care

Dr. Roland Buyama Gives Parents Child Dental Care Advice

Dr Roland Buyama on Child Dental Care

Teaching a child proper dental hygiene practices at a young age will ensure that they are able to avoid the unnecessary pain and hassle of having to deal with dental problems in the future. However, younger children in the toddler age range may need the assistance of their parents to adequately maintain dental health. While helping your child brush and floss is certainly recommended, and can lead to a more attractive, brighter smile, there are also other factors to consider when trying to maintain a child’s oral health. For this reason, pediatric dentistry specialists like Dr. Roland Buyama recommend that children visit a dentist at about age 1, and have at least two scheduled follow-ups per year.

Roland Buyama on Kids Dental Care


By scheduling early dentist appointments parents can gain insight to their child’s dental health before their primary teeth begin to appear. Since the development of the primary teeth will have a significant impact on the alignment and strength of the permanent teeth, Dr. Buyama says that it is important to schedule a routine check-up to assess the dental health of a child at the earliest possible age. Aside from scheduling regular dentist appointments, there also plenty of good habits and preventative measures that can be used to avoid unwanted dental problems.

While many oral health issues like tooth decay and gum disease are somewhat difficult to repair, they are relatively easy to prevent. Furthermore, preventing cavities, gingivitis, and other forms of oral disease is much more cost-effective than attempting to treat them after they’ve developed. By encouraging your child to brush and floss on a daily basis, restricting the amount of sugary and starchy foods/fluids they consume, taking them to the dentist on a regular basis, and obtaining the necessary care (i.e. – braces), you can ensure that your child has a beautiful and strong set of teeth for years to come.